Dear Students and Parents,
Welcome to Mrs. Pusey's history class. Please check back often for information relating to what is happening in our class.  Below, you will find a summary of lessons for the month of August 2011.  We will be starting with chapter 3, Ancient Mesopotamia.  We will be covering all three lessons:  Please not that my homeroom is now in science. Be sure to check Mrs. McKim's web page for information.
Lesson 1 ,Geography of Mesopotamia, pg 82. 
                            Vocabulary:  Mesopotamia, floodplain, silt, semiarid, drought, surplus.  
                            Main Idea Questions (found on pg 86) 
                           1. What did the Tigris and Euphrates rivers provide for Mesopotamia?
                           2. How did the lack of resources affect Mesopotamia?
                           3. How did the farmers obtain the right amount of water for their crops?

Understanding the 6 vocabulary words and being able to explain these 3 main idea questions is the key to doing good on Friday's quiz.  Check your student's notebook for the notes covering this information.

Week of 8/15/11--8/19/11
Lesson 2, The First Civilization, Pg. 89  COMPLETED
                        Vocabulary: civilization, Sumer, city-state, ziggurate, polytheism, king
                         Main Idea Questions: (found on pg.95)
                         1. Why are food surpluses necessary for civilization to develop?
                         2. In what way did the ziggurat fuction like a city hall?
                         3.  What did people in Sumer think their gods were like?  

Understanding the 6 vocabulary words and being able to explain these 3 main idea
questions is the key to doing good on Friday's quiz.  Check your student's
notebook for the notes covering this information.
Lesson 3-- Life in Sumer  pg. 98  COMPLETED
                        Vocabulary: bronze, pictograph, stylus, cuneiform, scribe
                        Main Idea Questions: (found on pg. 103)
                        1. How did religion affect who was in the upper class?
                        2. Why was the plow such and important tool for farmers?
                        3. How did writing evolve in Sumer?

Understanding the 5 vocabulary words and being able to explain these 3 main idea   questions is the key to doing good on Friday's quiz.  Check your student's 
notebook for the notes covering this information.

Understanding the 6 vocabulary words and
being able to explain these 3 main idea questions is the key to doing good on
Friday's quiz.  Check your student's notebook for the notes covering this

Chapter  4 Lesson 1 Mesopotamian Empires Pg. 113 Beginning 8/22/11 COMPLETED
Vocabulary: empire, emperor, Fertile Crescent, Hammurabi, code of law,
Essential  Questions: Who controlled Mesopotamia? Which empire ruled the Fertile Crescent? Why did  Hammurabi created a law code?
Review Questions: How did Hammurabi control his huge empire? What was the purpose of Hammurabi's  Code?
Main  Ideas: Powerful city-states expand to control
much of Mesopotamia. Babylon built large empires in the Fertile Crescent.
Hammurabi created one of the first codes of law.

Chapter  4 Lesson 2 Assyria Rules the Fertile Crescent pg. 118 COMPLETED
Vocabulary: exile, tribute, Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Essential  Questions: How was Assyria able to build an empire?
Why were the Assyrians feared by their enemies? Who replaced the Assyrian
Main  Ideas: Assyrians built a military machine that was
feared by other in the region. Assyria used several different methods to control
its empire. The Chaldeans replaced the Assyrians as the main power in
Mesopotamia and other parts of the Fertile Crescent.

Chapter 4 Lesson 3 Persia Controls Southwest Asia Page 129
Vocabulary: Anatolia, toleration, province, satrap, Royal Road
Essential Questions: What was the land of Persians like?  What was the rule of Cyrus
like?  How did Darius control his empire?
Main Idea: Persia's location between the Mesopotamia and India was a bridge betrween eastern and western Asia. Cyrus used a policy of toleration to control the Persian Empire. Persia divided its land into smaller units so it would be easier to govern.